Emma Thompson nei panni di Jane Austen: un video imperdibile

Ho un’ammirazione sconfinata per Emma Thompson: la trovo sempre bravissima in ogni occasione, che reciti, che scriva sceneggiature, che rilasci un’intervista o ritiri un premio. Non bella ma bellissima, grazie a quella vivace intelligenza che traspira da tutti i pori, è esattamente il tipo femminile perfetto per il “mondo” di Jane Austen.
Non a caso, nel 1995, portò a termine una delle sue imprese più famose, scrivere la sceneggiatura per un film tratto da Sense and Sensibility, nel quale poi recitò (come ben sanno tutti i Janeites del mondo) diretta da Ang Lee nel ruolo di Elinor Dashwood, una delle eroine austeniane più amate (ma, a ben pensarci, quale eroina austeniana si potrebbe definire, al di là dei gusti personali, più amata delle altre?…).
Quello stesso anno, il Golden Globe per la migliore sceneggiatura fu assegnato a lei. Ed il suo discorso di ringraziamento diventò un’appendice al film stesso perché, dall’alto della sua bravura nonché della sua profonda conoscenza di tutto quanto sia riferibile a Jane Austen, diventò Jane Austen stessa – regalandoci uno dei più formidabili omaggi alla memoria della nostra cara zia Jane.
Grande Emma! (nomen omen?…)

Di seguito, il video e la trascrizione del discorso.

Trascrizione del discorso:
Thank you very much. Good Heavens. Um, I can’t thank you enough, Hollywood Foreign Press, for honouring me in this capacity. I don’t wish to burden you with my debts, which are heavy and numerous but, um, I think that everybody involved in the making of this film knows that we owe all our pride and all our joy to the genius of Jane Austen. And, um, it occurred to me to wonder how she would react to an evening like this… This is what I came up with.
Four a.m., having just returned from an evening at the Golden Spheres, which despite the inconveniences of heat, noise and overcrowding was not without its pleasures. Thankfully, there were no dogs and no children. The gowns were middling. There was a good deal of shouting and behaviour verging on the profligate;. However, people were very free with their compliments and I made several new acquaintances.
Here was Lindsay Doran of Mirage, wherever that might be, who’s largely responsible for my presence here, an enchanting companion about whom too much good cannot be said. Mr.Ang Lee, of foreign extraction, who most unexpectedly appeared to understand me better than I understand myself. Mr James Shamis, a most copiously erudite person and Miss Kate Winslet, beautiful in both countenance and spirit.
Mr Pat Doyle, a composer and a Scot, who displayed the kind of wild behaviour one has learned to expect from that race. Mr Mark Kenton, an energetic person with a ready smile who, as I understand it, owes me a great deal of money. [to the audience: True!!] Miss Lisa Henson of Columbia, a lovely girl, and Mr.Garrett Wiggin, a lovely boy.
I attempted to converse with Mr Sydney Pollack, but his charms and wisdom are so generally pleasing, that it proved impossible to get within ten feet of him. The room was full of interesting activity until 11 p.m. when it emptied rather suddenly. The lateness of the hour is due, therefore, not to the dance, but to the waiting in a long line for a horseless carriage of unconscionable size. The modern world has clearly done nothing for transport.
P.S. Managed to avoid the hoyden Emily Thompkinson, who has purloined my creation and added things of her own. Nefarious Creature! Thank you.

Nota linguistica:
– hoyden, n., A high-spirited, boisterous, or saucy girl.
– nefarious, adj., Infamous by way of being extremely wicked.
– purloined, (to purloin), v., To steal, often in a violation of trust.

Silvia Ogier

2 pensieri su “Emma Thompson nei panni di Jane Austen: un video imperdibile

  1. Silvia Ogier Autore articolo

    Sì, @Mirko, Emma è sempre inappuntabile ed entusiasmante. Qui dimostra che sarebbe stata perfetta anche nell’impersonare il Genio a cui si è ispirata (senza nulla togliere alla bravissima Olivia Willliams, ottima protagonista di Miss Austen Regrets).
    (Grazie per il tuo commento e benvenuto!)


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